Absence & Lateness
If your child will be absent or late, you must notify the school through PickUp Patrol. https://www.pickuppatrol.net/ You will mark your child absent then give a short description of the reason. PickUp Patrol is the best way for you to notify the school and your child’s teacher that they will be absent/late. If you do not have access to a computer, you may call the Angier School Office number (617-559-9300) before the opening bell. When calling leave the following the information:
Name of your child's teacher
Your child's name
Dates/times of absence or lateness
A child who is late to school must sign in to the Sign-In Log kept in the office before going to their classroom. Attendance is taken in each classroom at 8:20am.
If your child is not in school and you have not updated PickUp Patrol or called the office, you will receive a phone message to ask for an explanation of the absence. If the child cannot be located or accounted for, the school will contact the Newton Police immediately.
In the case of an anticipated absence, such as for an appointment or vacation, please notify your child's teacher in writing in advance, in addition to updating PickUp Patrol.
Children arriving after 8:20 am are marked tardy. Following a period of marked absence or tardiness, the Principal may send a letter home and to the Assistant Superintendent of Newton Public Schools.