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Absence & Lateness

If your child will be absent or late, you must notify the school through PickUp Patrol You will mark your child absent then give a short description of the reason. PickUp Patrol is the best way for you to notify the school and your child’s teacher that they will be absent/late. If you do not have access to a computer, you may call the Angier School Office number (617-559-9300) before the opening bell. When calling leave the following the information:

  • Name of your child's teacher

  • Your child's name

  • Dates/times of absence or lateness

    A child who is late to school must sign in to the Sign-In Log kept in the office before going to their classroom. Attendance is taken in each classroom at 8:20am.

    • If your child is not in school and you have not updated PickUp Patrol or called the office, you will receive a phone message to ask for an explanation of the absence. If the child cannot be located or accounted for, the school will contact the Newton Police immediately.

    • In the case of an anticipated absence, such as for an appointment or vacation, please notify your child's teacher in writing in advance, in addition to updating PickUp Patrol.

    • Children arriving after 8:20 am are marked tardy. Following a period of marked absence or tardiness, the Principal may send a letter home and to the Assistant Superintendent of Newton Public Schools.