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School Hours: Arrival & Dismissal

School Hours

  • Monday: 8:10am-2:50pm
  • Tuesday: 8:10am-2:50pm
  • Thursday: 8:10am-2:50pm
  • Friday: 8:10am-2:50pm
  • Wednesday: 8:10am-12:20pm
arrival and dismissal yellow school bus


Arrival & Dismissal System: PickUp Patrol
PickUp Patrol ( is our online system for managing arrival and dismissal plans. All families receive an email from PickUp Patrol during the week before school begins with directions to set up and log into PickUp Patrol. You will have a few days to set your transportation defaults. Please make sure to attend to this very important task.

  • Using the PickUp Patrol website (, you can establish your child’s default dismissal instructions and on a daily basis change your child’s dismissal up until 2:15PM (or 11:45AM on early release days).

  • When a caregiver logs into the system to make a change, an email is generated and sent to the main office, the child’s teacher(s), the caregiver/parent, and the new authorized pick-up adult. You can also use PickUp Patrol to notify the school when a child will be tardy, absent, or leaving school early.

Please contact the office at 617-559-9300 if you have questions or have not received a password for PickUp Patrol.​​​​​​

Arrival & Dismissal Locations
We have arrival and dismissal locations for each grade level, as follows:

  • Front plaza: Kindergarten & Grade 1

  • Back plaza by the cafeteria: Grades 2 & 3

  • Side door by the library: Grade 4

  • Side door by the faculty parking lot: Grade 5