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Orla Higgins Averill, PH.D., Principal

Claudia Rossi, Executive Assistant
Student Absence Line 617-559-9320

Orla Higgins Averill, PH.D., Principal

Claudia Rossi, Executive Assistant
Student Absence Line 617-559-9320

Orla Higgins Averill, PH.D., Principal

Claudia Rossi, Executive Assistant
Student Absence Line 617-559-9320

Orla Higgins Averill, PH.D., Principal

Claudia Rossi, Executive Assistant
Student Absence Line 617-559-9320

Orla Higgins Averill, PH.D., Principal

Claudia Rossi, Executive Assistant
Student Absence Line 617-559-9320

What is the Portrait of a Learner?

Newton Public Schools is in the process of developing our Portrait of a Learner. What is a Portrait of a Learner? It is a collective vision that articulates our community’s aspirations for ALL of our students. This is a first step in framing a clear vision for our school system.

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Community Links & Resources

District News


In an effort to share information from the district more regularly, we have created the NPS District News newsletter. This newsletter will include information on district-wide information and events. It will also highlight some of the great work our teachers, staff, and students are doing throughout the district. You can expect this newsletter in your in-box every other week.



School Committee

The Newton School Committee consists of nine voting members: one person is elected (citywide) from each of Newton's eight wards, and the Mayor serves as an ex-officio member.

PTO Council

The Newton Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Council is an umbrella organization composed of all 22 PTOs in the city of Newton, Massachusetts. Its members are the current and past presidents of each PTO. The Council’s ultimate purpose is to support all Newton parents in the quest for the highest quality of education in the city.

Newton Schools Foundation

Newton Schools Foundation advances excellence and equity in the Newton Public Schools by funding new approaches in the classroom, professional development for teachers, and programs that promote equity for all students.

Newton Community Education

Newton Community education is a self-sustaining arm of Newton Public Schools dedicated to offering learning and enrichment opportunities for all. We inspire or nurture passions with high quality classes and experiences at a reasonable cost. Our vision is to build a strong, inclusive community passionate about learning, enrichment, and connection.

NPS Partnerships

The Newton Public Schools partners with community organizations to provide after school programs, additional learning opportunities, and resources for our students. Both school-based and community-based partnerships are invaluable to our district and help us to provide supportive school environments and rich learning experiences for our students, faculty, and staff.

School Building Rentals

All Use of Building (USB) requests must be done online. Visit our Facilities page for more information.

Building Projects

We are continuing an exciting time of facilities renovation and renewal in the Newton Public Schools, with four recently completed projects and four projects that are currently in design or construction. The district is also working with a Consultant on a Facilities and Enrollment Planning Study to help plan for the next batch of building and facility renewal projects and an update of the Long Range Facilities Plan.

Yearbook & Local History Requests

Newton Free Library preserves and provides access to materials that document the history of our City in the Newton Collection. These items are accessible during the Library’s open hours, but cannot be checked out, and some rare items require an appointment to view.